BBC Good Food Eat Well Show

On Friday, after 4 (rather long) hours of lectures Abbey and I went along to the BBC Good Food Eat Well Show, and we definitely ate well!!

The show is a big gathering of healthy food brands and producers all with delicious and nutritious samples to try. As well as interviews and demonstrations from healthy eating chefs, celebs and nutritional experts.

We arrived at lunch time with grumbling tummies and left with bulging bellies!

We tasted samples of old favourites plus new flavours from well known names on the healthy snack scene like Nakd (fab bars made from fruits and nuts which are ‘smooshed’ together), Bounce energy protein snack balls and Vita Coco coconut water.

My favourite Nakd bar has to be the Bakewell Tart and I luuuuuurve Vita Coco Coconut water Latte (I once went to 4 different shops in search for one!!)  IMG_5844 Plus we were introduced to newer brands breaking the market. We loved Moral Fibre’s plant based raw snacks, especially the savoury Chilli Crunch.

IMG_5848And Chirps crisps, a cool new idea.. Crisps made from egg whites?! The texture was a bit like Skips and they taste great! High in protein, low in fat – nutritionally far superior to your average crisp!


But my favourite sample of the day had to be from Nothing But, these were so delicious! Just freeze dried fruits and vegetables with nothing added and only the moisture taken away. This process gives a crispy texture and intensifies the flavour plus they count towards one of your five a day!

I’ve never seen them anywhere else before and meant to go back to buy some but got distracted by something else along the way, I will have to hunt them down!

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We also sampled Baobab powder and bars. Baobab – the fruit from the Baobab tree, found mainly in Africa – dries naturally on the branch so requires minimal processing and is packed with nutrients.

From our taster we were told we were close to meeting our “recommended requirement for Baobab” …

Disclaimer: there is not actually a recommended requirement for Baobab!!

After watching the Vitamix demonstrations I have decided I need one in my life. He made us a smoothie, frozen yogurt, soup and a latte. All from one machine!! IMG_5857

We watched a live gluten free cookery demo from Phil Vickery. He made brownies, pancakes and muffins – we only got to try the brownies!


We caught a bit of the eat well forum with Michael Mosely discussing The Fast Diet (better known as 5:2).

IMG_5859And finally the low point of the day was following Abbey’s amazing acting I was tricked into tasting the hottest chilli in the world (a Tobagan scorpion).

Abbey ate it, no worries, so I thought I should give it ago.

Seconds later my eyes were watering, face burning and forehead sweating. After a few minutes my ears felt like they were going to explode! Turned out Abbey felt exactly the same she just hadn’t let on!!


Luckily we just sought out some more tasters to cool our mouths down!!

Good day all round!

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